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How It Works    

What is Washington Home Tours?
We offer home tours in specific neighborhoods. Each tour lasts approximately 2-3 hours. Participants are given a map of homes. We meet at each one and take a tour. All of the homes are currently on the market for sale. Each tour is lead by Andrea Martin and her Team, licensed real estate agents at RE/MAX Northwest.

How much does a Tour cost?
Since we are new, our tours are currently free!

What if I'd like a home tour of a neighborhood not on your list?
Customized tours are available! Just send an email letting us know the neighborhood and type of tour you are seeking. Email: hello@wahometours.com

Do I have to be in the market to buy or sell a house to take this tour?
Not at all! This is a tour to view homes whatever your reason! Attendees are not our clients.

Do the owners of the homes know that we are touring their home?
Yes, absolutely. We schedule our home tours in advance and with their permission.

If we are not in the market to purchase a home, why would sellers let us tour their homes?
Because in real estate you just never know. One of our tour attendees might view a home and think "This home would be perfect for my friend! I'm going to tell her about it."

How do I register for a Tour?
Click here! Scroll down to where it says "Get Tickets."